Monday, February 8, 2010

Political Science True False Question?

1. True or False: The United States uses a system of proportional representation in the Congress

If even a part of the question is false say false . Explain briefly.Political Science True False Question?
It's true of the House, but not of the Senate. Unless you call 2 per state regardless of population proportional, so there is a qualifier. Depends on what they define as proportional.

I win, the other guy just isn't nearly as smart as I am, lol

neener neenerPolitical Science True False Question?

If thing was truly proportional in the representation of districts, as an example, each district would have representatives for x amount of persons in that district. I know that's the way it is set up, but you'll find that things have been bent, twisted and with bias reconfigured to suit the select few of that district that see themselves as victims!

It has happened and will happen again!
False - people get different representation based on which state they live in. Someone in Rhode Island has a much larger voice than someone from California because Rhode Island has a much smaller population and each individual's voice is bigger.
T: House seats are allocated out by population (using the census)

F: The Senate allocates seats equally (2 to each state)
We used to, not so sure any more, since they limited the number of congressmen.

Its true.

Ask your teacher what I win.
House and Senate that is your problem.

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